Meet the Factions.

The Central Government/SLA

The Central Government and SLA (Swagistani Loyal Army) is the most (arguably) legitimate faction of the civil war, being the pre-war government and army. Lead by Steamy, their goal is to reunify Swagistan under their pre-war control.

Libertarian Party

The Swagistani Libertarian and Freedom Party is led by Magi, its goal is to depose Steamy and bring democracy back to the increasingly authortarian nation. Its the most powerful faction 2nd to the Central Government, with Magis invention of the "Battlebarge", a cutting edge warship giving them a break ahead of the competition.

Labour Committee

The Swagistani Workers Labour Committee, or SWLC, is the leading labour union turned socialist party, originally made as a response from Steamys union-busting schemes, its risen several workers militias and even a semi-professional army to protect its cause.

Swagistani Free Territory

The Swagistani Free Territory is an anarchist state located in the eastern end of the country along with a small pocket surrounded by the Libertarians on the west side, its goal is to spread anarchism across the country, destroying all sense of government and order, turning the conquered land into what they call "a free territory".

Freedom Fighter Brotherhood

The Freedom Fighter Brotherhood, commonly shortened to the FFB, is a faction located at the very tip of the country, it has most of the same goals as the Libertarian party, but with a distrust of Magi due to his ties to the Solar Imperium, believing he will turn Swagistan into the puppet of the neighbouring country, despite this, they have strucken an unoffical alliance with him and his faction, due to the similar goals and desperate need for support.

The Gold Skulls

The Gold Skulls is a far-right paramilitary organization causing havoc across the countryside during the civil war, they have been largely ignored by the factions with real influence, but if they decide to sneak their way into the more established factions, they may grow into something more formidable...

The static on the map is uncontrolled/unorganized territory.

NOTICE: This is a creative project/concept that we as a community have created and doesn't reflect any actual events online or off and shouldn't be taken as real.

Foreign Intervention in the Civil War.

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