Welcome To Swagistan

A friend group disguised as a Country!

I'm Steamy, the Leader of Swagistan and creator of this website! We have a population of Approx. 20 people.

We have a discord, which is the base of our operations, however, due to it containing very personal information and generally being very old. This discord is closed to the public.

Here are some cool guys affliated with Swagistan.

The History of Swagistan. (Up to Creation)

Learn about us on the info page!

For mobile users, click on this link if the swagball game is covered up.

Visit the telecommunication center on its own page!

Site History

Update January 6th, 2025: Revamped/Edited the History page.

If you'd like, please download our swag web button and add it to your site. (It would be very appreciated)

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