So, who are you guys exactly?

(Or alternatively, the about page.)

As said on the main page, Swagistan is a country disguised as a friend group, in a way you could say its the branding. We've been around since early 2023, but our friend group in of itself is a few years older, having its roots in 2019 and growing over the pandemic.

As you can probably tell by the country aspect of this website, we have a strong interest in military, our friend group (like many others) is also deeply rooted in our interest of video games, such as FPS, Strategy, and Sandbox.

As of late 2024, we are a thriving and (although small) vibrant community of artists, coders, builders, and more.

Q & A

Why Swagistan?

Swagistan was a suggestion we came up with on a whim while thinking of what to rebrand our friend group server in early 2023. Theres not a big riveting story behind the name, Sorry!

Why this flag specifically?

This is an edited version of a flag we found online when we searched up Swagistan in early 2023 while brainstorming a rebrand for our personal friend group server. As far as I can tell, the source of this flag is gone, but I found it from a now deleted reddit post. Since then, we've had debates over if we should change the flag to something that we actually made, but these went nowhere.

UPDATE: On the 2nd Anniversary, we have adopted a new flag.

Why are you guys on Neocities?

Neocities is something that I (Steamy) found recently (As of Writing this(11/27/24)), I've always been interested by how the old internet worked and free it was, and the "old web" movement led by this site has captivated me. In all honesty, it just feels nice going on different site's regularly other than just the main few run by the same couple corporations.

What's in store for the future of this site?

I have quite a few visions for this site as I work on it, it'll probably always be under construction (that is if I don't abandon it) and there's always new ideas coming to me that I'd love to implement to the site, so all I can say is: "stay tuned!"

If you want to learn about Swagistans history other than just the general information, then check out the history page!

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